This Is My Last Week Email Details
Hi Pradeep!
In the WebOffice you can monitor the number of your own shares, and the amount of your dividends due after our interests and the actual face value of your shares.
After launching, here you may offer your shares for sale or may acquire even more shares, utilizing the amount of your monthly dividends.
Number of your own shares
Estimated face value of your shares
$ 33,98 / 1 share
Estimated face value of all your shares
$ 135,92
Estimated dividends due to you at present
$ 2,70 / 1 share
Estimated monthly dividend due to you
$ 10,80 / month
These are estimates at present only and will be revaluated on a daily basis depending on the number of visitors and further activities.
Click here For Join
Best regards,
More Details:- English Hindi
2013. GlobAllShare World Society